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The Tree of Love (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 74) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Tree of Love (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 74) (EN)

Shenda, the beautiful daughter of Lord Linbury, finds herself all alone when he dies. She finds a letter he has written to his friend, the Duke of Wellington, asking him to look after and protect her.The Duke is in Paris having just won the Battle of Waterloo and Shenda travels nervously to Paris to meet him and he quickly realises that as she is young and innocent, he cannot have her to stay in his own house. He, therefore, takes Shenda to nurse one of his young Officers who has been badly wounded at Waterloo.Captain Ivan Worth, as he calls himself, is really the Marquis of Kenworth. Having been pursued by women because he is so handsome and rich, he has asked Lady Helen Oswald, a famous beauty, to marry him. She agrees, but when a Duke proposes to her, she tells the Marquis she has accepted him. He is furious and in the following row she tells him "no one would marry you if you did not have a title." Mortified and hating all women he flees to join Wellington‘s Army using the name of Ivan Worth.How Shenda cures Ivan not only of his wound but of his hatred and disgust for women and how they finally find happiness after she runs away from him when he orders her in a rage to go, is told in thisintriguing romance by BARBARA CARTLAND set in Paris and London in 1815 after the Battle of Waterloo.

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Názov: The Tree of Love (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 74) (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80494

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