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Touching the Stars (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 35) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Touching the Stars (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 35) (EN)

Justina Mansell, the youngest daughter of Lord and Lady Mansell is told that her sister has been invited to visit India, but cannot accept. So Justina jumps at the chance to go in her place.Her aunt arranges for her to be chaperoned on board ship by the stately Mrs. Arbuthnot, who is travelling with her two daughters and her little terrier, Muffin.Justina is quickly attracted to the good-looking Sir Thomas Watson who is most attentive and much admires her beauty when he joins the Arbuthnot table for dinner.When the Arbuthnot ladies succumb to seasickness Justina takes Muffin for walks along the deck. There she meets the solitary figure of Lord Castleton with his own dog. He knows her father and they strike up a friendship.Justina finds herself compromised in her cabin by Sir Thomas even though she has given him no encouragement and is forced to agree to become engaged to him to prevent a scandal.Lord Castleton is not at all pleased by this turn of events, especially as Justina seemed far from happy with her engagement.How Justina is swept from despair to happiness and love after a number of surprises and unexpected twists is told in this unusual and intriguing romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.

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Názov: Touching the Stars (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 35) (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80411

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