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Entering Couplehood...and Taking Leave of It (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Entering Couplehood...and Taking Leave of It (EN)

A user’s guide to establishing couplehood and taking leave of it; deals with the problems that may arise in the process of finding the right partner, making a relationship work and recovering from a split or losing one’s spouse.Most of us want to find someone to share life with. Someone to love until death us do part. But sometimes it is no easy matter. It may be difficult to find the right partner, become part of a stepfamily, or accept the fact that couplehood is over.This book is about the problems and choices we are most likely to face at the start and end of couplehood, including falling in love, dating, choosing one’s partner, remarriage, being weekend lovers, divorce and the death of a spouse, and offers proposals for tackling them.

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Názov: Entering Couplehood...and Taking Leave of It (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80389

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