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The Black Tulip (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Black Tulip (EN)

The Black Tulip is a historical novel written by Alexandre Dumas. The story begins with a historical event - the 1672 lynching of the Dutch Grand Pensionary (roughly equivalent to a modern Prime Minister) Johan de Witt and his brother Cornelis, by a wild mob of their own countrymen - considered by many as one of the most painful episodes in Dutch history, described by Dumas with a dramatic intensity. It then unfold around The city of Haarlem, Netherlands, that has set a prize of 100,000 guilders to the person who can grow something very rare; a black tulip, sparking competition between the country's best gardeners to win the money, honor and fame. The novel follows the young Cornelius van Baerle, who almost succeeded in cultivating a black tulip when thrown into the Loevestein prison. Here Cornelius meets the jailer's daughter, Rosa, and a romance has begun.

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Názov: The Black Tulip (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80207

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