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The Secret Door (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Secret Door (EN)

Are you ready to embrace universal law and live a natural life? If there is one overall message to this book, it is that we must avoid being overwhelmed by life, to realise that there is something larger than us which is willing to shoulder the burdens. If we can live by faith instead of fear, we have found the secret door to success that she speaks of. Scovel Shinn devoted her life to helping people recognize the link between their attitudes and their level of happiness. A relaxed state of expectancy, she taught, is the best mindset for bringing success into your life. Sometimes, intensity of desire can actually turn away any good fortune because it suggests faith only in yourself and not in the higher power which has created you. Scovel Shinn describes prayer as telephoning to God, intuition, she says, is God telephoning you. She also says for example Your big opportunity and big success usually slide in, when you least expect it. You have to let go long enough for the great law of attraction to operate. You never saw a worried and anxious magnet. It stands up straight and hasn't a care in the world, because it knows needles can't help jumping to it. The things we rightly desire come to pass when we have taken the clutch off. We are so used to our daily life habits and patterns that we can find ourselves in ruts; we cease to be aware of the opportunities that arise through being fully present in the moment, and we stop expecting great things. By listening to and understanding this audio book you can and will change your outlook and life success.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Secret Door (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80030

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