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The Old Testament 7 - Judges (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Old Testament 7 - Judges (EN)

After Joshua’s death, the tribes of Israel continue their conquest of the southern regions of Canaan, but they are unable to cleanse the land thoroughly of its native inhabitants. God declares that these remaining people will be an impediment to Israel’s enjoyment of the promised land. Generations pass, and the younger Israelites turn away from God, intermarrying with the Canaanites and worshipping the local deities. God threatens to abandon Israel because of the disobedience of the youth, but he selects a series of judges, or rulers, to act as temporary leaders for the people.

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Názov: The Old Testament 7 - Judges (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK79965

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