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When Things Don´t Go Your Way: Zen Wisdom for Difficult Times

Vydavateľ: Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.)
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Posledná zmena: 20.09.2024 03:07

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Obsah knihy: When Things Don´t Go Your Way: Zen Wisdom for Difficult Times

From the internationally bestselling author of The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down***What if moments of great difficulty are, in fact, opportunities for growth and self-discovery? What if they can serve as stepping stones to greater things in life?Modern life doesn't always go our way. Loss, rejection, uncertainty and loneliness are unavoidable parts of the human experience -- but there is solace to be found.In When Things Don't Go Your Way, Zen Buddhist teacher Haemin Sunim provides simple but powerful wisdom for navigating life's challenges. Through his trademark combination of beautiful illustrations, insightful stories, and contemplative aphorisms, Sunim helps us reframe our mindsets and develop emotional agility.Whether you're in the midst of a crisis or simply seeking to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing, When Things Don't Go Your Way is a soothing balm that helps us all find courage and comfort when we need it most.***'Reading this is like receiving a warm hug' Vex King, author of Good Vibes, Good Life'A warm and reassuring path through the most challenging moments of our lives' Lori Gottlieb, author of Maybe You Should Talk To Someone

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